I'm trying to embedded signing workflow through this API http://iodocs.docusign.com/APIWalkthrough/embeddedSigning
after successfully execution of this I got this response
API Call Result: { url: 'https://demo.docusign.net/Member/StartInSession.aspx?t=sdf34f6-8592-4250-83a8-4bf34f5g3t' }
Navigate to the above URL to start the Embedded Signing workflow...
I opened this url in browser manually and tried to sign. after singing it asked to click on finish to complete this process(as obvious). but when I click on this it redirect to http://www.docusign.com/developer-center?event=signing_complete but I want something so that I can decide callback URL, I mean url which I want to redirect to. In my case I would like to redirect to my application's home page ttp://www.myapp.com/
How could I achieve that using the V2 REST API?