I have looked around for this but can only find links and references to this been done after an anchor hashtag but I need to get the value of the URL after the last / sign.
I have seen this used like this:
the last bit 53272
is a reference to an affiliate ID..
Thanks in advance folks.
PHPs parse_url (which extracts the path from the URL) combined with basename (which returns the last part) will solve this:
var_dump(basename(parse_url('http://www.somesite.com/archive/some-post-or-article/53272', PHP_URL_PATH)));
string(5) "53272"
You can do this :
$url = 'www.somesite.com/archive/some-post-or-article/53272';
$id = substr(url, strrpos(url, '/') + 1);
You can do it in one line with explode() and array_pop() :
$url = 'www.somesite.com/archive/some-post-or-article/53272';
echo array_pop(explode('/',$url)); //echoes 53272
$url = "www.somesite.com/archive/some-post-or-article/53272";
$last = end(explode("/",$url));
echo $last;
Use this.
I'm not an expert in PHP, but I would go for using the split function: http://php.net/manual/en/function.split.php
Use it to split a String representation of your URL with the '/' pattern, and it will return you an array of strings. You will be looking for the last element in the array.
This will work!
$url = 'www.somesite.com/archive/some-post-or-article/53272';
$pieces = explode("/", $url);
$id = $pieces[count($pieces)]; //or $id = $pieces[count($pieces) - 1];
If you always have the id on the same place, and the actual link looks something like
$link = "http://www.somesite.com/archive/article-post-id/74355";
$string = explode('article-post-id/', $link);
$string[1]; // This is your id of the article :)
Hope it helped :)
$info = parse_url($yourUrl);
$result = '';
if( !empty($info['path']) )
$result = end(explode('/', $info['path']));
return $result;
$url = 'www.somesite.com/archive/some-post-or-article/53272';
$parse = explode('/',$url);
$count = count($parse);
$yourValue = $parse[$count-1];
That's all.