the SDK 7.x is not working on Unity 5.1.0f3 , i always got the error version not found . does someone have see this error ?
Actually, it's just a warning. But you can fix it.
There are several places where facebook plugin calls
So first, you need to modify FBBuildVersionAttribute
to this:
// we are going to apply this attribute to Class
// instead of Assembly
// also make it inheritable for all implementations
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = true)]
public class FBBuildVersionAttribute : Attribute
private DateTime buildDate;
private string buildHash;
private string buildVersion;
private string sdkVersion;
public DateTime Date { get { return buildDate; } }
public string Hash { get { return buildHash; } }
public string SdkVersion { get { return sdkVersion; } }
public string BuildVersion { get { return buildVersion; } }
public FBBuildVersionAttribute(string sdkVersion, string buildVersion)
this.buildVersion = buildVersion;
var parts = buildVersion.Split('.');
buildDate = DateTime.ParseExact(parts[0], "yyMMdd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
buildHash = parts[1];
this.sdkVersion = sdkVersion;
public override string ToString()
return buildVersion;
public static FBBuildVersionAttribute GetVersionAttributeOfType(Type type)
foreach (FBBuildVersionAttribute attribute in getAttributes(type))
return attribute;
return null;
private static FBBuildVersionAttribute[] getAttributes(Type type)
if (type == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
// we want to get attributes from type instead of assmebly
return (FBBuildVersionAttribute[])(type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FBBuildVersionAttribute), false));
No you just need to add this attribute to AbstractFacebook
[FBBuildVersionAttribute("7.0.1", "150604.98558e55096475c")]
public abstract class AbstractFacebook : MonoBehaviour
// ...
Note that 98558e55096475c
part is trash string. It's not actual build hash, cause I don't have one.
Get the latest version of the FB Unity SDK. Change log says it's fixed now.