In a Struts 2 class where http get params are auto fetched by field variables. While there were repeated such class fields like userId,groupId,
etc in many classes, I decided to make one business object class RequestParams
in each class and put all the field there.
Then all my class will have just the RequestParams rp;
with getRp();
and setRp();
the rp class will have the userId
with getters / setters and all other fields.
Now I see I have to replace. e.g userId
with getRp()
at line 34 Now the code is looking ugly.
With this: messageId = ChatDao.saveMessage(userId,groupId , message);
would look like
rp.setMessageId( ChatDao.saveMessage(rp.getUserId(), rp.getGroupId(), rp.getMessag() ) );
what is a better way of doing such things?
public class SendMessageOrStartChatAction extends BaseActoinSupport{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int userId;
private int groupType;
private int groupId;
private String groupTitle;
private String groupMemberIds;
private int randomCode;
private String message;
private int messageId; //internal class ues
/** boo */
protected void doExecute() throws IOException {
//check if it had random code in db, (msg already saved in db)
messageId = ChatDao.getMessageIdThatMatchesRandomCode(randomCode);
if(groupId <= 0){
//create group
groupId = ChatDao.createChatGroup(userId, groupTitle, groupType);
String[] memberIdsArray = groupMemberIds.split("==");
ChatDao.addUsersToGroup(groupId, memberIdsArray);
//save message
messageId = ChatDao.saveMessage(userId,groupId , message);
// queued: may be put this in last viewed messages here. may be.