How to Return all entities by Id In Spring form sp

2019-06-13 20:31发布


I have A,B,C,E,D services have collect all that service from controller by company id and return that service as response to WebUtils.writeJSONResponse. What ever service i am getting form services like aService and bService. I have to store List DTO Object and i have to set in the setters of that EntityListResponce and i have to send that response to WebUtils.writeJSONResponse.

public void getAllEntities(HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) {

    try {
        ZSession zSession = getZSession(request);
        Long companyId = zSession.getCompanyId();

        EntityListResponce entityListResponce = new EntityListResponce();

        List<ADTO> aList = aService.getAllA(companyId);
        List<BDTO> bList = bService.getAllB(companyId);
        List<CListDTO> cList = cService.getAllC(companyId);
        List<DDTO> dDTO = dService.getAllD(companyId);
        EDTO eDTO = eService.getEcompanyId);

        entityListResponce.setADTO(aList );
        entityListResponce.setBDTO(bList );
        entityListResponce.setCDTO(cList );
        entityListResponce.setDDTO(dDTO );
        entityListResponce.setEDTO(eDTO );

                getSerializer(request, EXCLUDE_FILES).deepSerialize(entityListResponce));

    } catch (Exception e) {
        writeException(request, response, e);

But i not able get proper output when i am debugging by Junit.

public void testAllEntities() throws Exception {

    MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest("GET", "/getAllEntitys.htm");
    MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse();

    invoiceController.getAllEntities(request, response);
    JSONArray jsonArr = getResponseJSONArray(response);

Please help me it is proper way to do or not.Thanks