I have a batch file a.bat which below contains statements
A.exe >> a.txt
Test.exe >> a.txt
A.exe starts up another exe say b.exe (by _wpopen function) and returns. But after redirecting output of A.exe , ownership of a.txt seems to be transferred to b.exe. As test.exe cannot redirect its stdout to a.txt as b.exe is still running and still owns a.txt.
B.exe runs indefinitely, cannot wait for it to stop.
And also I cannot redirect the output to multiple files. As these exe executions are a part of installation setup, so logging should be continuous and must be done to a single file
Is there any possible solution to this scenario? I want the file a.text to be free after a.exe returns!
By putting the redirection on each line separately, you're requiring the command processor to reopen the file. If another process still has the original handle to the file open, as in your scenario, that won't work.
Instead, redirect the output once for multiple commands, or for the entire batch file. You can do this using the call
call :main >> a.txt
goto :eof
goto :eof
You could alternatively use brackets:
) > test.txt
Or, if you only want some output to go to the file:
call :main 3>> a.txt
goto :eof
A.exe >&3
Test.exe >&3
goto :eof
Keep in mind that until B.exe has exited, the log file will be held open, so the only way to write to it is to use an already existing handle. (This assumes that you cannot modify A.exe; if you can, that's probably a better solution.)
It might also be possible to avoid the problem altogether like this:
A.exe > temp.txt
type temp.txt >> a.txt