I've been using Devise + OmniAuth Twitter to authenticate the user to my portal. I am currently facing two issues.
When the user is accessing /users/sign_up, the form is publicly visible. Instead, I want to redirect him to the Twitter authentication page.
When the user is accessing /users/sign_up, the email form is visible. I'm using this form to get the email address of the users after he signs up successfully from Twitter.
Can someone please help me solve this issue from people accessing the forms directly?
Adding Code Snippets:
devise_for :users, :controllers => { :omniauth_callbacks => "users/omniauth_callbacks" }
devise_scope :user do
get "skcript1625" => "devise/sessions#new", as: :login
get "logout", to: "devise/sessions#destroy", as: :logout
# app/models/user.rb
devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable
def self.from_omniauth(auth)
where(provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid).first_or_create do |user|
user.email = auth.info.email
user.password = Devise.friendly_token[0,20]
user.name = auth.info.name # assuming the user model has a name
user.profileimg = auth.info.profileimg # assuming the user model has an image