importing data from sql server to hbase

2019-06-13 19:29发布


I know that Sqoop allows us to import data from a RDBMS into HDFS. I was wondering if the sql server connector in sqoop also allows us to import it directly into HBase? I know we can do this with mysql. I was wondering if the same can be done with sql server too


I am working in the Hortonworks Sandbox, and I was able to pull data from a SQL Server instance into an HBase table by doing the following steps:

  1. Get the SQL Server JDBC driver onto the Hadoop box.

curl -L '' | tar xz

  1. Copy the driver into the correct location for sqoop to be able to find it:

cp sqljdbc_4.0/enu/sqljdbc4.jar /usr/lib/sqoop/lib

  1. Run a sqoop import

sqoop import --hbase-create-table --hbase-table table_name_in_hbase --column-family cf_name --hbase-row-key my_ID --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://hostname:1433;database=db_name;username=sqoop;password=???" --table tablename_in_sql_server -m 1

I referenced these sites:


It is possible to directly import data into HBase from any relational database using Sqoop. This post how it can be done using a Mysql Database Server and import it directly to HBase.


you can import data into HBase from any RDBMS as lons as it provides JDBC driver. Sqoop interface with any other RDBMS is using JDBC.