I'm working for weeks to try to solve this problem. I need to manage a connection between PHP and Microsoft Access Database .mdb.
My goal is to create a web page that contain a table with the fields of a database table. But my table has about 30 columns, I would like to insert only 6 of these.
Database name: DinamicoWeb
Table name: Orders
Fields name: Id Ord, Ord Date, Name, Surname, Price, Total
This is the code that I managed to write(put inside ALL columns).
define ('DBNAME',"./DinamicoWeb.mdb"); // Database name
define ('DBTBL',"Ordini"); // Table name
define ('PKNAME',"Id Ord"); // Primary Key
define ('PKCOL',0); // Posotion Primary Key
define ('LINKPK',true); // PK link for edit/delete
$cn = new COM("ADODB.Connection");
$cnStr = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=".
$rs = $cn->execute("SELECT * FROM ".DBTBL);
$numFields = $rs->Fields->count;
// Print HTML
echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
echo '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">';
echo '<head>';
echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />';
echo '<title>Gestione degli '.DBTBL.'</title>';
echo '<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />';
echo '</head><body>';
echo '<h1>GESTIONE '.DBTBL.'</h1>';
// Elenca records -----
echo ("<table class='datatable' summary='Prova dati con MS Access'>");
echo("<caption>Tabella ".DBTBL."</caption>\n");
for ($i=0;$i<$numFields;$i++){
echo("<th scope='col'>");
echo $rs->Fields($i)->name;
$alt = false;
while (!$rs->EOF)
for ($i=0;$i<$numFields;$i++){
$altClass = $alt ? " class='alt'" : "";
if (LINKPK && $i==PKCOL){
echo "<td".$altClass."><a href='?id=".$rs->Fields($i)->value
echo "<td".$altClass.">".$rs->Fields($i)->value."</td>\n";
$alt = !$alt;
echo ("<p>[ <a href='?ins=1'>Inserimento nuovo record</a> ]</p>");
// Modifica record -----
if (!empty($_GET['id'])){
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
$rs = $cn->execute("SELECT * FROM ".DBTBL." WHERE ".PKNAME."=".$id);
echo ("<form action='modify.php' method='post'>");
echo ("<fieldset>");
echo ("<legend>Modifica record</legend>");
for ($i=0;$i<$numFields;$i++){
if (LINKPK && $i==PKCOL){
echo ("<label for='".$rs->Fields($i)->name."'>"
echo ("<input type='text' readonly='readonly' name='"
.$rs->Fields($i)->name."' value=\""
.$rs->Fields($i)->value."\" /><br />\n");
else {
echo ("<label for='".$rs->Fields($i)->name."'>"
echo ("<input type='text' name='".$rs->Fields($i)->name."' value=\""
.$rs->Fields($i)->value."\" /><br />\n");
echo ("<button type='submit' name='azione' value='modifica'>Modifica</button>");
echo ("<button class='affiancato' type='submit'
name='azione' value='cancella'>Cancella</button>");
echo ("</fieldset></form>");
// Inserimento record -----
elseif (!empty($_GET['ins'])){
echo ("<form action='modify.php' method='post'>");
echo ("<fieldset>");
echo ("<legend>Inserimento record</legend>");
for ($i=0;$i<$numFields;$i++){
if ($i!=PKCOL){
echo ("<label for='".$rs->Fields($i)->name."'>"
echo ("<input type='text' name='".$rs->Fields($i)->name."' /><br />\n");
echo ("<button type='submit' name='azione' value='inserisci'>Inserisci</button>");
echo ("<br />");
echo ("</fieldset></form>");
echo '</body></html>';
PS: It's great to trasform the .php file to .html file with dynamic php inside.
PSS: And the next step would be to make also filters with combobox and checkbox
If is possible, I would add headers of columns manually and not with a While, so as to make the responsive table with jQuery and footable
For example:
<table class="footable" data-filter="#filter">
<th data-sort-initial="descending" data-class="expand">
[Id Ord]
<th data-sort-ignore="true">
<th data-hide="phone,tablet">
<th data-hide="phone,tablet" data-type="numeric">
<th data-hide="phone" data-type="numeric">