I need to add a nested table to each row of a jquery datatable(using legacy datatables). So, I tried using example from datatables.net for child rows and modifying it to my needs as I need for the child rows to show at all times, rather than on clicking the parent row.Here is the code I am using both to build my inner table and then display it..
function buildInnerTable(){
var keys = Object.keys(reportApp.gridData),
len = keys.length,
j = 0,
while (j < len) {
prop = keys[j];
value = reportApp.gridData[prop];
detLen = value.detail.length;
var rowVals = [];
for(var i = 0; i < detLen; i++){
tmpRow = "<tr><td>"+value.detail[i].invtid+"</td>"+
setTableRow(rowVals , j);
j += 1;
function setTableRow(rowVals , ndx){
$("#gridTbl > tbody > tr:eq("+ ndx+ ")").after("<table><tr><th>InvtID</th>"+
"<th>Wood</th><th>NEED NAME</th><th>Other</th><th>Misc</th><th>Total</th></tr>"+
But, I am not getting what I need to get. What it looks like is that the datatables adds a new row and then sets the new table inside the first cell on new row. However, when I view source, that isn't what is happening at all. It closes the previous row and then inserts new table... I am attaching a screenshot. What I need is for the details to show below the main item rows and to be aligned in same way. Any help in where I am wrong will be greatly appreciated.