Possible Duplicate:
Datagridview, Only show unique values were Duplicate Cell Values C# 2005
I want to know how to find duplicate rows in a datagridview and if exist only update the data.. i need the code to do that I'm working in C# and .NET framework 2.0 VS2005. I'm not using a database is from query from Active Directory and the values continue repeating.
can someone helpme with this...Thanks
You'd need to loop through each row and then through each column. The best way would be to find duplicate before putting them in the DataGridView
because there is no built-in way to do it with a DataGridView
bool isDuplicate;
for(int nbRow = 0; nbRow < DataGridView1.Rows.Count; nbRow++)
for(int nbRowCompare = nbRow; nbRowCompare < DataGridView1.Rows.Count; nbRowCompare++)
isDuplicate = true;
for(int nbCol = 0; nbCol < DataGridView1.Rows[nbRow].Cells.Count; nbCol++)
if(DataGridView1[nbCol, nbRow].Value != DataGridView1[nbCol, nbRowCompare])
isDuplicate = false;
break; //Exit for each column if they are not duplicate
//Do something
Note 1: Your data might have a pattern where you can reduce the number of comparison. This example compare every row against every following rows.
Note 2: If you want to delete duplicates, you should iterate through the rows from the last to the first
e.Result = "";
//int count1 = 0;
int val = 6000;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ComputerName", typeof(String))); //0
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("IP", typeof(String))); //1
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("MAC", typeof(String))); //2
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Descubierto", typeof(String)));
for (int a = 1; a <= val; a++)
counter.Text = Convert.ToString(a);
if (txtWorkGroupName.Text == "") return;
//DataTable dt = new DataTable();
//int i = 0;
// Datos del grupo WinNT://&&&&(Nombre del grupo de trabajo)
DirectoryEntry DomainEntry = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + txtWorkGroupName.Text + "");
/// Interactuando con PC's dentro del mismo dominio
foreach (DirectoryEntry machine in DomainEntry.Children)
string strMachineName = machine.Name;
string strMACAddress = "";
IPAddress IPAddress;
DateTime discovered;
IPAddress = getIPByName(machine.Name);
/// Obtener Mac
strMACAddress = getMACAddress(IPAddress);
discovered = DateTime.Now;
/// Manejo de repeticiones en el grid
bool isDuplicate;
for(int nbRow = 0; nbRow < dt.Rows.Count; nbRow++)
for(int nbRowCompare = nbRow; nbRowCompare < dt.Rows.Count; nbRowCompare++)
isDuplicate = true;
for(int nbCol = 0; nbCol < dt.Rows[nbRow].Cells.Count; nbCol++)
if(dt[nbCol, nbRow].Value != dt [nbCol, nbRowCompare])
isDuplicate = false;
break; //Exit for each column if they are not duplicate
MessageBox.Show("el valor esta duplicado");
/// this is gonna BE fixed
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = machine.Name;
dr[1] = IPAddress;
dr[2] = strMACAddress;
dr[3] = Convert.ToString(discovered);
dgvComputers1.DataSource = dt;
//dt.Columns(machine.Name).Unique = true;
//dt.Columns(IPAddress).Unique = true;
//dt.Columns(strMACAddress).Unique = true;
}//foreach loop
// DataView dv = new DataView();
// dv = dt;
//dt = ((DataView)this.dgvComputers1.DataSource).Table;
// dgvComputers.DataSource = dt;
//goto factor;
// if (restart < 20)
// btnScan.PerformClick();
// restart = restart + restart++;
//counter.Text = Convert.ToString(restart);
catch (Exception ex)
if (backgroundWorker2.CancellationPending)
e.Cancel = true;
catch (NullReferenceException ex)
MessageBox.Show("error:" + ex);
//tbmessage.Text += "se ha producido un error: " + ex + Environment.NewLine;
//tbmessage.SelectionStart = tbmessage.Text.Length;
catch (NoNullAllowedException ex)
MessageBox.Show("error:" + ex);
catch (AccessViolationException ex)
MessageBox.Show("error:" + ex);