I have two xml file like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<instance xmlns="http://www.ubrea.com/xforms/88668970-6edb-0131-28e9-22000a1cda92" xmlns:tm="http://www.ubrea.com/xforms" >
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<instance xmlns="http://www.ubrea.com/xforms/88668970-6edb-0131-28e9-22000a1cda92" xmlns:tm="http://www.ubrea.com/xforms" >
Below is my sqlquery for parsing xml file:
declare @xmldata xml
set @xmldata ='
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<instance xmlns="http://www.ubrea.com/xforms/88668970-6edb-0131-28e9-22000a1cda92" xmlns:tm="http://www.ubrea.com/xforms" >
declare @sql nvarchar(max)
declare @xmlns varchar(max)
set @xmlns=''''+SUBSTRING(cast(@xmldata as varchar(max)),CHARINDEX('http://www.ubrea.com/xforms/',cast(@xmldata as varchar(max)),1),CHARINDEX('" xmlns:dm',cast(@xmldata as varchar(max)),1)-18)+''''
set @sql='
declare @xmldata xml
set @xmldata = '''+cast(@xmldata as varchar(max))+'''
begin try
DEFAULT ' + @xmlns +
','+'''http://www.ubrea.com/xforms''' + ' as fm
Number_Non_Barcode, Non_Barcode, ODO, Code
from (
x.c.value(''(../../Number_Non_Barcode)[1]'', ''varchar(100)'') as Number_Non_Barcode,
x.c.value(''(../Non_Barcode)[1]'', ''varchar(100)'') as Non_Barcode,
x.c.value(''(../ODO)[1]'', ''varchar(100)'') as ODO,
x.c.value(''(Code)[1]'', ''varchar(100)'') as Code
from @xmldata.nodes(''/instance/inputs/VIN/Defect'') x(c)
) x
end try
begin catch
select ERROR_NUMBER() Code, ERROR_MESSAGE() Message
end catch'
exec sp_executesql @sql;
How to make Query if <Defect>
not available and the result should like this:
Number_Non_Barcode Non_Barcode ODO Defect_Code
mnbcdsddsd3455 xyz 1425788 NULL
I'm not real familiar with xml query and can't seem to find an example of how to do it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks