I have some code with points which draws a polygon.
Here is the code:
app.pts = [
[33.644631, -70.610453],
[33.637884, -70.608253],
[33.637566, -70.608704],
[33.638933, -70.610935],
[33.641044, -70.614036],
[33.641386, -70.614176]
app.map = L.map('map').setView(app.pt, 15);
app.polygon = L.polygon(app.pts, {
color: '#00ff00',
opacity: 0.6,
fillOpacity: 0.2
What I would like is a circle instead, so my question is:
How do I modify this code so I can draw a Circle instead of a polygon?
The circle would be 50 meters radius and centered on 33.644631, -70.610453