1) Hello I am trying to use the admin services to create an Proxy inside the ESB.
So I have exposed the admin services (Hidden=false)
I have imported the WSDl in my Java project https://localhost:8243/services/ProxyServiceAdmin?wsdl
But I cannot workout how to call the method addProxy
am I using the wrong admin service? Please help with an example of consuming this method.
ProxyServiceAdmin ps = new ProxyServiceAdmin();
ps.addProxy(); //wrong
2) I have a proxy defined as a one-line String, like
String xmlproxy="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><proxy xmlns='http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse' name='MyProxy1' transports='https' startOnLoad='true' trace='disable'> <target inSequence='sequence1'>...."
Is it possible to add this Proxy by calling some method of the admin services?
thanks a lot for your attention!
EDIT I had a look at the WSDL "ProxyServiceAdmin?wsdl"
it says <wsdl:operation name="addProxy"><http:operation location="addProxy"/><wsdl:input><mime:content type="text/xml" part="parameters"/></wsdl:input><wsdl:output><mime:content type="text/xml" part="parameters"/></wsdl:output>
so it is there, but why I cannot call it? Why my code does not work as a normal Web Service would? Really, please help. I don't get what i am doing wrong...
ProxyServiceAdmin ps = new ProxyServiceAdmin();
ps.addProxy(); //not recognized as an operation of ProxyServiceAdmin even if it is in the wsdl