I got lzo library to use in our application. The version was provided is 1.07. They have given me .lib along with some header file and some .c source files.
I have setup test environment as per specs. I am able to see lzo routine functions in my application.
Here is my test application
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "lzoconf.h"
#include "lzo1z.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
FILE * pFile;
long lSize;
unsigned char *i_buff;
unsigned char *o_buff;
int i_len,e = 0;
unsigned int o_len;
size_t result;
//data.txt have a single compressed packet
pFile = fopen("data.txt","rb");
if (pFile==NULL)
return -1;
// obtain file size:
fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
lSize = ftell (pFile);
rewind (pFile);
// allocate memory to contain the whole file:
i_buff = (unsigned char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*lSize);
if (i_buff == NULL)
return -1;
// copy the file into the buffer:
result = fread (i_buff,1,lSize,pFile);
if (result != lSize)
return -1;
i_len = lSize;
o_len = 512;
// allocate memory for output buffer
o_buff = (unsigned char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*o_len);
if (o_buff == NULL)
return -1;
return 0;
It gives access violation on last line.
in provided library signature for above functiion is
lzo1z_decompress ( const lzo_byte *src, lzo_uint src_len,
lzo_byte *dst, lzo_uint *dst_len,
lzo_voidp wrkmem /* NOT USED */ );
What is wrong?