Follow up to: youtube api v3 search by developer tag which indicates that you can a use valid pre-existing categoryIds but it does not answer anything about how to use custom Developer Categories/Tags.
In YouTube API V2, custom Developer Categories/Tags are described here:
Youtube's migration document lists the following alternative:
Set or retrieve developer tags – The v2 API supported the ability to associate keywords, or developer tags, with a video at the time that the video was uploaded. Developer tags would not be displayed to YouTube users, but video owners could retrieve videos that matched a specific developer tag.
The v3 API's search.list method supports a similar, but not identical, feature with its forDeveloper filter parameter, which restricts a search to only retrieve videos uploaded via the developer's application or website. The forDeveloper parameter can be used in conjunction with optional search parameters like the q parameter.
For this feature, each uploaded video is automatically tagged with the project number that is associated with the developer's application in the Google Developers Console.
When a search request subsequently sets the forDeveloper parameter to true, the API server uses the request's authorization credentials to identify the developer. Therefore, a developer can restrict results to videos uploaded through the developer's own app or website but not to videos uploaded through other apps or sites.
Developer tags in V3 are currently not supported (c.f. question comments). If enough people vote on this feature request, they might be in the future: