I have the following code to download a XBRL file into Google spreadsheet
function XBRLexplore() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("0Aiy1DTQRndx6dFZLVDJfRnptbmRFUTM2S2lnUlRfWWd");
var Sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1"); // Activate sheet
var target = "http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/867773/000086777313000052/spwr-20130630.xml";
var pageTxt = UrlFetchApp.fetch(target).getContentText();
var xbrl = Xml.parse(pageTxt,true).getElement()
var test=xbrl.getElements();
var output=[];
for (var i=0;i<test.length;i++){
var element=test[i]
var f=[element.contextref,element.id,element.unitref,element.decimals,e=element.Text]
this will drop about 1700 row by 5 columns into Google spreadsheet.
However, I want all the of sub elements in object "xbrl" added next to each of the elements.
For example: currently, row 1421 is the following data:
D2013Q2QTD Fact-456FCC569047499F03F61D8FBE559EC1 shares -3 133973000
I want it to look like this:
us-gaap WeightedAverageNumberOfDilutedSharesOutstanding D2013Q2QTD Fact-456FCC569047499F03F61D8FBE559EC1 shares -3 133973000
adding the namespace us-gaap
and WeightedAverageNumberOfDilutedSharesOutstanding
in the first 2 columns
it would be nice if for each element i can use some sort of getParent()
function then just stick it in the first 2 columns during the loop.
I'm trying to use the getNamespace()
for each element inside the loop, but it's giving me an error
var ff=element.getNamespace()