Context first: I have a header (event.h), a program called event.c, and the main program main.c. This program will be compiled, generating first a object program (event.o), then a static library (libevent.a) in a separate folder, and then the executable program work1.exe
To do this I created this makefile:
work1 : main.c libevent.a
gcc -static main.c -L./lib -levent -o work1 -Wall
event.o: event.c
gcc -c event.c -Wall
libevent.a: event.o
ar rcs lib/libevento.a event.o
rm work1 *.o
The result of executing the makefile leads to this error:
$ make
gcc -c event.c -Wall
ar rcs lib/libevent.a event.o
gcc -static main.c -L./lib -levent -o work1 -Wall
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lc
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [work1] Error 1
Any idea what is going on here? Is there a way to compiling this without installing anything?