I have a Ubuntu VM running on Microsoft azure. Currently I can access it using HTTP, but not with HTTPS. In the network interface, inbound port rule, 443 is already allowed.
I already added a certificate into the VM, by creating a key vault and a certificate, prepare it for deployment following this documentation:
az keyvault update -n <keyvaultname> -g <resourcegroupname> --set properties.enabledForDeployment=true
then added the certificate following this answer.
In Azure CLI:
$secret=$(az keyvault secret list-versions \
--vault-name <keyvaultname> \
--name <certname> \
--query "[?attributes.enabled].id" --output tsv)
$vm_secret=$(az vm secret format --secret "$secret")
az vm update -n <vmname> -g <keyvaultname> --set osProfile.secrets="$vm_secret"
I got the following error:
Unable to build a model: Cannot deserialize as [VaultSecretGroup] an object of type <class 'str'>, DeserializationError: Cannot deserialize as [VaultSecretGroup] an object of type <class 'str'>
However, when I do az vm show -g <resourcegroupname> -n <vmname>
after that, in the osProfile
, the secrets already contained the secret I added
"secrets": [
"sourceVault": {
"id": "/subscriptions/<subsID>/resourceGroups/<resourcegroupName>/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/sit-key-vault"
"vaultCertificates": [
"certificateStore": null,
"certificateUrl": "https://<keyvaultname>.vault.azure.net/secrets/<certname>/<certhash>"
When accessing using HTTPS, I failed. I can access it using HTTP but chrome still shows the "Not secure" mark next to the address.
What did I miss?
I also checked answer from similar question, but could not find "Enable Direct Server Return" anywhere in the VM control panel page.