Follow up the question here of Serializing OpenCV Mat_
My task is I have multiple OpenCV Mats that are serialized. Now I want to merge all those Mats. I can do this by deserialize these binaries into Mats and use push_back
method to merge them. However, for my own reason, I have to merge them in binary format first before deserialize.
How can I merge these binaries so that in the end, I can call my same deserialization to get the whole big Mat?
You can do this without using boost. Following the serialization approach described here, you can append the data of your matrix at the end of the file, taking care of increasing the number of rows of the final matrix accordingly.
Here's a working example, where matappend
does the job. I'll put also the matread
and matwrite
functions for completeness:
#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
void matwrite(const string& filename, const Mat& mat)
ofstream fs(filename, fstream::binary);
// Header
int type = mat.type();
int channels = mat.channels();
fs.write((char*)&mat.rows, sizeof(int)); // rows
fs.write((char*)&mat.cols, sizeof(int)); // cols
fs.write((char*)&type, sizeof(int)); // type
fs.write((char*)&channels, sizeof(int)); // channels
// Data
if (mat.isContinuous())
fs.write(mat.ptr<char>(0), (mat.dataend - mat.datastart));
int rowsz = CV_ELEM_SIZE(type) * mat.cols;
for (int r = 0; r < mat.rows; ++r)
fs.write(mat.ptr<char>(r), rowsz);
Mat matread(const string& filename)
ifstream fs(filename, fstream::binary);
// Header
int rows, cols, type, channels;*)&rows, sizeof(int)); // rows*)&cols, sizeof(int)); // cols*)&type, sizeof(int)); // type*)&channels, sizeof(int)); // channels
// Data
Mat mat(rows, cols, type);*), CV_ELEM_SIZE(type) * rows * cols);
return mat;
void matappend(const string& filename, const Mat& mat)
fstream fs(filename, fstream::binary | fstream::in);
if (fs.peek() == fstream::traits_type::eof())
// The file is empty, write (same as matwrite)
fs.close();, fstream::binary | fstream::out);
// Header
int type = mat.type();
int channels = mat.channels();
fs.write((char*)&mat.rows, sizeof(int)); // rows
fs.write((char*)&mat.cols, sizeof(int)); // cols
fs.write((char*)&type, sizeof(int)); // type
fs.write((char*)&channels, sizeof(int)); // channels
// The file is not empty, append
fs.close();, fstream::binary | fstream::out | fstream::in);
// Read Header
int rows, cols, type, channels;*)&rows, sizeof(int)); // rows*)&cols, sizeof(int)); // cols*)&type, sizeof(int)); // type*)&channels, sizeof(int)); // channels
// Consistency check
CV_Assert((cols == mat.cols) && (type == mat.type()) && (channels == mat.channels()));
// Go to beginning of file
// Overwrite the number of rows
rows += mat.rows;
fs.write((char*)&rows, sizeof(int)); // rows
// Go to end of file
fs.seekp(0, fstream::end);
// Write data
if (mat.isContinuous())
fs.write(mat.ptr<char>(0), (mat.dataend - mat.datastart));
int rowsz = CV_ELEM_SIZE(mat.type()) * mat.cols;
for (int r = 0; r < mat.rows; ++r)
fs.write(mat.ptr<char>(r), rowsz);
int main()
// Save the random generated data
Mat1b m1 = (Mat1b(2, 2) << 1, 2, 3, 4);
Mat1b m2 = (Mat1b(3, 2) << 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
matappend("raw.bin", m1);
matappend("raw.bin", m2);
Mat m3 = matread("raw.bin");
// m3:
// 1 2
// 3 4
// 5 6
// 7 8
// 9 10
return 0;