Could not find artifact com.sun.kvem:kenv:jar:2.2

2019-06-12 05:08发布


I am trying to compile the source code of Proguard 4.6 in a maven project. The code has a dependency on:


When I try compile it, I get:

Failed to execute goal on project proguard:
Could not resolve dependencies for project net.sf.proguard:proguard:jar:4.6:
Could not find artifact com.sun.kvem:kenv:jar:2.2 in central
( -> [Help 1]

When I browse central (here), there is indeed no such jar in the central repository.

I don't know what kvem is. Why is it declared as type=jar in the pom.xml and why isn't it in central repository? How do I solve this issue?


you need to do:

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.sun.kvem -DartifactId=kenv -Dversion=kenv -Dfile=com.sun.kvem-2.2.jar -Dpackaging=jar  -Dgenerate-pom=true