angular.js - evalAsync not called

2019-06-12 04:24发布


on the following jsFiddle i demonstrate a problem that makes me ponder. It stems from the need to send a system wide event to all scopes, telling them that the system has finished bootstrapping. In order to do that, i got the rootScope after bootstrapping, and called its evalAsync. Alas! its not executing.

see here:

angular.element(document).ready(function() {
angular.bootstrap(body, ['app']);
var ngInjector = angular.injector(['ng']);

var rootScope = ngInjector.get('$rootScope');
var x = rootScope.$eval(function(scope) {   
        console.log('in eval');
        scope.$evalAsync(function(scope) {  
            console.log('in evalAsync');

many thanks for any idea or thought Lior


Mark is right about calling the $digest function, but there's one more thing: you're not getting the right root scope.

angular.bootstrap returns the injector for the modules, which already pulls in the 'ng' module.

Here's your fiddle, modified.


Since your code is running "outside" of Angular, you'll need to call rootScope.$digest() at the end of your sample code to cause a digest cycle to run. Then the expression inside the $evalAsync() will be evaluated/executed.