when i am using googlemaps all I have to do is
let marker = GMSMarker()
marker.position = postions.target
marker.title = "TEST"
marker.map = self.mapView
let myCustomView:CustomView = UINib(nibName: "CustomView", bundle: nil).instantiate(withOwner: nil, options: nil)[0] as! CustomView
marker.iconView = myCustomView
but if i am using MAPKIT, how will I achieve this.?
Mycustomview is a xib view file i created.
Try to add the object of the nib view to the annotation view like this
func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView,viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView?
if annotation is MKUserLocation == true
return nil
let senderAnnotation = annotation as! MyAnnotation
let pinReusableIdentifier = senderAnnotation.pinColor.rawValue
var annotationView = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationView(withIdentifier: pinReusableIdentifier)
if annotationView == nil
annotationView = MKAnnotationView(annotation: senderAnnotation, reuseIdentifier: pinReusableIdentifier)
annotationView!.canShowCallout = true
let customView = (Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("directOrderView", owner: self, options: nil))?[0] as! directOrderView;
var calloutViewFrame = customView.frame;
calloutViewFrame.origin = CGPoint(x:-calloutViewFrame.size.width/2 + 30,y: -calloutViewFrame.size.height);
customView.frame = calloutViewFrame;
return annotationView
ok i found the solution
func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
if annotation is MKUserLocation
return nil
var annotationView = self.mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationView(withIdentifier: "Pin")
if annotationView == nil{
annotationView = AnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: "Pin")
annotationView?.canShowCallout = false
annotationView?.annotation = annotation
//annotationView?.canShowCallout = true
// mapView.deselectAnnotation(annotation, animated: true)
// mapView.selectAnnotation(annotation, animated: true)
let myCustomView:CustomView = UINib(nibName: "CustomView", bundle: nil).instantiate(withOwner: nil, options: nil)[0] as! CustomView
// annotationView?.image = UIImage(named: "starbucks")
return annotationView