I am trying to install the latest version of Luarocks, obtained from luarocks's official site. Firstly, I used the Lua binaries obtained from LuaForge Lua Binaries project referred from Official Lua site. But the install script returns the following error (trailed output because of stack overflow restrictions) :
LuaRocks 2.4.x installer.
== Checking system... ==
Admin privileges available for installing
Looking for Lua interpreter
checking C:\Programs\Lua
Found lua.exe, testing it...
Interpreter found, now looking for link libraries...
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua5.3.lib
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua53.lib
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua5.3.dll
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua53.dll
Found lua53.dll
Could not find Lua. See /? for options for specifying the location of Lua, or installing a bundled copy of Lua 5.1.
Failed installing LuaRocks. Run with /? for help.
Then I used another Lua binaries obtained from Lua - joedf's Builds referred from Official Lua site. But the install script returns the following error (trailed output because of stack overflow restrictions) :
LuaRocks 2.4.x installer.
== Checking system... ==
Admin privileges available for installing
Looking for Lua interpreter
checking C:\Programs\Lua
Found lua53.exe, testing it...
Interpreter found, now looking for link libraries...
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua5.3.lib
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua53.lib
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua5.3.dll
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua53.dll
Found lua53.dll
Link library found, now looking for headers...
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\include\lua\5.3\lua.h
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\include\lua53\lua.h
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\include\lua5.3\lua.h
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\include\lua.h
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua.h
checking C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv
Found lua53.exe, testing it...
Interpreter found, now looking for link libraries...
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua5.3.lib
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua53.lib
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua5.3.dll
checking for C:\Programs\Lua\lua53.dll
Found lua53.dll
Could not find Lua. See /? for options for specifying the location of Lua, or installing a bundled copy of Lua 5.1.
Failed installing LuaRocks. Run with /? for help.
Then I used another Lua binaries obtained from LuaDist referred from official Lua site. It already includes luarocks, but an older version. Using this version results the following error : Orbit Installation Using Luarocks in Windows. So, tried install script of luarocks. The installation is successful, and I configured the following variables according to the installer instruction (trailed output because of stack overflow restrictions) :
== LuaRocks is installed! ==
You may want to add the following elements to your paths;
Lua interpreter;
PATH : C:\Programs\Binaries-LuaDist-batteries-0.9.8-Windows-x86\bin
PATH : C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaRocks
LUA_PATH : C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaRocks\lua\?.lua;C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaRocks\lua\?\init.lua
Local user rocktree (Note: %APPDATA% is user dependent);
PATH : %APPDATA%\LuaRocks\bin
LUA_PATH : %APPDATA%\LuaRocks\share\lua\5.1\?.lua;%APPDATA%\LuaRocks\share\lua\5.1\?\init.lua
LUA_CPATH: %APPDATA%\LuaRocks\lib\lua\5.1\?.dll
System rocktree
PATH : c:\programs\binaries-luadist-batteries-0.9.8-windows-x86\\bin
LUA_PATH : c:\programs\binaries-luadist-batteries-0.9.8-windows-x86\\share\lua\5.1\?.lua;c:\programs\binaries-luadist-batteries-0.9.8-windows-x86\\share\lua\5.1\?\init.lua
LUA_CPATH: c:\programs\binaries-luadist-batteries-0.9.8-windows-x86\\lib\lua\5.1\?.dll
Note that the %APPDATA% element in the paths above is user specific and it MUST
be replaced by its actual value.
For the current user that value is: C:\Users\Banee-Ishaque-K\AppData\Roaming.
But luarocks command now returns
windows can't open this file
error, what will do? I am working on Windows 7 64 bit and there is no compilation method for Windows for manual compilation of Lua instead of using binaries.