I have been trying to get the Code coverage working for iPhone simulator and always get a 0% coverage. Below are the configuration details and the steps that I have tried.
Xcode 3.2.5/iOS 4.1 and iOS 4.2/Mac 10.6/GCC 4.2
- Enable “Generate Test Coverage Files”
- Enable “Instrument Program Flow”
- Add “
” to “Other Linker Flags”
flag in Info.plist is set to true
I have the .gcda files generated but the coverage always show 0%.
Settings tried
Changing GCC to 4.0 and 4.2. When I try to change the GCC to 4.0 I get 26 build errors.
Set environment variables
(const char *prefix = "GCOV_PREFIX";
const char *prefixValue = [[NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Documents"] cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; // This gets the filepath to the app's Documents directory
const char *prefixStrip = "GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP";
const char *prefixStripValue = "1";
setenv(prefix, prefixValue, 1); // This sets an environment variable which tells gcov where to put the .gcda files.
setenv(prefixStrip, prefixStripValue, 1); // This tells gcov to strip the default prefix, and use the filepath that we just declared.)
GCC Optimization set to None (-O0) and unchecked the precompiled prefix header file flag.
Thanks for all the info on stackoverfow and CubicleMuses
I have code coverage working for both simulator and device! Here are the steps and configuration that worked for me:
Configuration : Xcode 4 !
XCode project settings
Build Settings
Other Linker Flags: add "-lgcov"
to YES
to YES
- C/C++ Compiler Version: GCC
4.2 (if you are on XCode 4) iOS deployment target: 4.2
- Precompile prefix header: NO
- Set UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend flag
in your Info.plist to YES
Above steps are same for Simulator and Device however, we have some extra work to make it work on Device.
Main.m: Copy paste the below code to main.m
const char *prefix = "GCOV_PREFIX";
const char *prefixValue = [[NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Documents"] cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; // This gets the filepath to the app's Documents directory
const char *prefixStrip = "GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP";
const char *prefixStripValue = "1";
setenv(prefix, prefixValue, 1); // This sets an environment variable which tells gcov where to put the .gcda files.
setenv(prefixStrip, prefixStripValue, 1); // This tells gcov to strip the default prefix, and use the filepath that we just declared.
Note: Make sure the above code is before:
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
[pool release];
return retVal;
Why we set the above coverage variables?
How to get the .gcda files?
Use the Organizer in Xcode to download app's package from the device to get the .gcda files out of the Documents directory.
Note: I could not get the code coverage using Xcode 3.2.5 with the same settings. But Xcode 4 was a cake-walk :-)
Thanks Sangavi since your answer helped me.
Now the but:
I followed your descripition step by step and than I had the problem that no gcda-files were created (only gcdo-files).
After that I removed your (above) prefix-code which I copied in the main.m and everything worked suddenly. Bet the gcov-path was not created correctly or something.
Just posting this if anyone runs into the same issue.
I just figured out after hours of frustration that enabling distributed builds in Xcode 3.2.6 will work around the need to disable your prefix header.
I had the problem that no files were created at all.
This was in Xcode 4.1 on Lion.
I changed the compiler from System Default (GCC 4.2)
to GCC 4.2
So NOT use the system default.
Seems like a bug in Xcode, but it solved the problem for me.
When i changed back the preference the problem returned.