is Monday 2007-02-05 and $endDate
is Tuesday 2007-02-20. Then I want it to list:
Monday 2007-02-05
Monday 2007-02-12
Monday 2007-02-19
I looked at the PHP manual and found this to get all the days between two dates. But how to do it the way i want? PHP Code:
Rather than get all days and loop through them all, get the first Monday after the start date and then iterate 7 days at a time:
$endDate = strtotime($endDate);
for($i = strtotime('Monday', strtotime($startDate)); $i <= $endDate; $i = strtotime('+1 week', $i))
echo date('l Y-m-d', $i);
You can use below function to get a array of dates between a date range of specific day.
You have to input start date, end date and day number in number.The day number is as follow.
1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday. 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday, 7 = Sunday.
function getDateForSpecificDayBetweenDates($startDate,$endDate,$day_number){
$endDate = strtotime($endDate);
$days=array('1'=>'Monday','2' => 'Tuesday','3' => 'Wednesday','4'=>'Thursday','5' =>'Friday','6' => 'Saturday','7'=>'Sunday');
for($i = strtotime($days[$day_number], strtotime($startDate)); $i <= $endDate; $i = strtotime('+1 week', $i))
return $date_array;
I needed the same and created a simple method.
public function getMondaysInRange($dateFromString, $dateToString)
$dateFrom = new \DateTime($dateFromString);
$dateTo = new \DateTime($dateToString);
$dates = [];
if ($dateFrom > $dateTo) {
return $dates;
if (1 != $dateFrom->format('N')) {
$dateFrom->modify('next monday');
while ($dateFrom <= $dateTo) {
$dates[] = $dateFrom->format('Y-m-d');
$dateFrom->modify('+1 week');
return $dates;
Then use it.
$dateFromString = '2007-02-05';
$dateToString = '2007-02-20';
var_dump($this->getMondaysInRange($dateFromString, $dateToString));
array (size=3)
0 => string '2007-02-05' (length=10)
1 => string '2007-02-12' (length=10)
2 => string '2007-02-19' (length=10)
Maybe it will be helpful for somebody.
for ($i = strtotime($startDate); $i <= strtotime($endDate); $i = strtotime('+1 day', $i)) {
if (date('N', $i) == 1) //Monday == 1
echo date('l Y-m-d', $i); //prints the date only if it's a Monday
i Create A class, You get All Days In range Date Group By Name of Day:
class DayHelper{
const MONDAY = 'Mon';
const TUESDAY = 'Tue';
const WEDENSDAY = 'Wed';
const THURSDAY = 'Thu';
const FRIDAY = 'Fri';
const SATURDAY = 'Sat';
const SUNDAY = 'Sun';
public function GetYeardays($dateStart, $dateend){
$period = new \DatePeriod(
new \DateTime($dateStart), new \DateInterval('P1D'), (new \DateTime($dateend))
$dates = iterator_to_array($period);
$arrayreturn = array();
foreach ($dates as $val) {
$date = $val->format('Y-m-d'); //format date
$get_name = date('l', strtotime($date)); //get week day
$day_name = substr($get_name, 0, 3); // Trim day name to 3 chars
switch ($day_name) {
case self::MONDAY:
$MONDAY[] = $date;
$arrayreturn[self::MONDAY] = $MONDAY;
case self::TUESDAY:
$TUESDAY[] = $date;
$arrayreturn[self::TUESDAY] = $TUESDAY;
case self::WEDENSDAY:
$WEDENSDAY[] = $date;
$arrayreturn[self::WEDENSDAY] = $WEDENSDAY;
case self::THURSDAY:
$THURSDAY[] = $date;
$arrayreturn[self::THURSDAY] = $THURSDAY;
case self::FRIDAY:
$FRIDAY[] = $date;
$arrayreturn[self::FRIDAY] = $FRIDAY;
case self::SATURDAY:
$SATURDAY[] = $date;
$arrayreturn[self::SATURDAY] = $SATURDAY;
case self::SUNDAY:
$SUNDAY[] = $date;
$arrayreturn[self::SUNDAY] = $SUNDAY;
return $arrayreturn;
The Output will be like this
array (size=7)
'Fri' =>
array (size=5)
0 => string '2016/01/01' (length=10)
1 => string '2016/01/08' (length=10)
2 => string '2016/01/15' (length=10)
3 => string '2016/01/22' (length=10)
4 => string '2016/01/29' (length=10)
'Sat' =>
array (size=5)
0 => string '2016/01/02' (length=10)
1 => string '2016/01/09' (length=10)
2 => string '2016/01/16' (length=10)
3 => string '2016/01/23' (length=10)
4 => string '2016/01/30' (length=10)
'Sun' =>
array (size=4)
0 => string '2016/01/03' (length=10)
1 => string '2016/01/10' (length=10)
2 => string '2016/01/17' (length=10)
3 => string '2016/01/24' (length=10)
'Mon' =>
array (size=4)
0 => string '2016/01/04' (length=10)
1 => string '2016/01/11' (length=10)
2 => string '2016/01/18' (length=10)
3 => string '2016/01/25' (length=10)
'Tue' =>
array (size=4)
0 => string '2016/01/05' (length=10)
1 => string '2016/01/12' (length=10)
2 => string '2016/01/19' (length=10)
3 => string '2016/01/26' (length=10)
'Wed' =>
array (size=4)
0 => string '2016/01/06' (length=10)
1 => string '2016/01/13' (length=10)
2 => string '2016/01/20' (length=10)
3 => string '2016/01/27' (length=10)
'Thu' =>
array (size=4)
0 => string '2016/01/07' (length=10)
1 => string '2016/01/14' (length=10)
2 => string '2016/01/21' (length=10)
3 => string '2016/01/28' (length=10)
This is code for fetching the weekday of "$startdate" and counting the number of weekdays between two dates.
`$startdate` = '2015-03-01';
`$endate` = '2015-03-31';
`$recurringDay` = date('N', strtotime($startdate)); // recurring Day from date i.e monday = 1, Tuesday = 2 ...etc
$begin = new DateTime(`$startdate`);
$end = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d',strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($endate))));
while($begin format('Y-m-d');
$day[] = $begin->format('N');
$begin->modify('+1 day');
$c=0; // counter starts
foreach($day as $key=>$dt) {
if ($dt==`$recurringDay`) // compare it
$k[] = $key;
`$nofDays` = $c; // number of mondays , tuesday
foreach($k as $pp) {
//adding session code
`$recurringDatetime[]` = $period[$pp]; // recurring dates
print_r(`$recurringDatetime`); // array of dates of monday, tuesday ..etc
$dates = array();
$dates[] = strtotime($start);
for($i = 0; $i <= 12; $i++){
$dates[] = strtotime('+1 week', $dates[$i]);
foreach($dates as $date){ echo date("d.m.Y", $date); }
I had similar issue and courses can start on any day. This script picks starting day and collect next days every week until the wanted amount (12 in this case).
Convert $startDate and $endDate before that to timestamps:
foreach ( $date = $start; $date <= $end; $date += 60 * 60 * 24)
if ( strftime('%w', $date) == 1 )
$mondays[] = strftime('%A %Y-%m-%d', $date);