I have cloned:
which as I understand is the git client used in TFS 2015. I am trying to run the test:
public void CanCloneFromBBWithCredentials(string url, string user, string pass, bool secure)
Where I have updated it to use a Git repository I have in TFS:
//[InlineData("https://libgit2@bitbucket.org/libgit2/testgitrepository.git", "libgit3", "libgit3", true)]
[InlineData("http://tfs/tfs/collection/project/_git/MyRepo", "myUser", "myPass", false)]
// [InlineData("http://tfs/tfs/collection/project/_git/MyRepo", "myUser", "myPass", true)]
public void CanCloneFromBBWithCredentials(string url, string user, string pass, bool secure)
var scd = BuildSelfCleaningDirectory();
string clonedRepoPath = Repository.Clone(url, scd.DirectoryPath, new CloneOptions()
CredentialsProvider = (_url, _user, _cred) => CreateUsernamePasswordCredentials (user, pass, secure)
using (var repo = new Repository(clonedRepoPath))
But when I run the test I get the following exception:
at LibGit2Sharp.Core.Ensure.HandleError(Int32 result) in c:\tmp\Repos\libgit2sharp\LibGit2Sharp\Core\Ensure.cs:line 160
at LibGit2Sharp.Core.Ensure.ZeroResult(Int32 result) in c:\tmp\Repos\libgit2sharp\LibGit2Sharp\Core\Ensure.cs:line 178
at LibGit2Sharp.Core.Proxy.git_clone(String url, String workdir, GitCloneOptions& opts) in c:\tmp\Repos\libgit2sharp\LibGit2Sharp\Core\Proxy.cs:line 328
at LibGit2Sharp.Repository.Clone(String sourceUrl, String workdirPath, CloneOptions options) in c:\tmp\Repos\libgit2sharp\LibGit2Sharp\Repository.cs:line 694
at LibGit2Sharp.Tests.CloneFixture.CanCloneFromBBWithCredentials(String url, String user, String pass, Boolean secure) in c:\tmp\Repos\libgit2sharp\LibGit2Sharp.Tests\CloneFixture.cs:line 227
I have verified that I can use the userName and password provided above to clone the repository from command line using: https://git-scm.com/
Any ideas on how to run libgit2sharp tests against a TFS 2015 Git repository?