Please follow the comments in the sample xml it explains everything I need, it is having three scenerio's check each scenerio in the output xml in the same sequence.
Input XML
<!-- In the below xml there will be one ASNInDesc with multiple ASNInPO's
and each ASNInPO contains one ASNInCtn and each ASNInCtn contains one ASNInItem -->
<!-- In the below two ASNInPO's po_nbr is same container_id under ASNInCtn is same and item_id under
ASNInItem is same. In this case two ASNInPO's has to be merged and two ASNInCtn's has to be merged
into one tag(since the container_id is same) and two ASNInItem's has to be merged into one tag and unit_qty is to be added -->
<!-- In the below two ASNInPO's po_nbr is same container_id under ASNInCtn is same and item_id under
ASNInItem is different. In this case two ASNInPO's has to be merged and two ASNInCtn's has to be merged into one tag and
two different ASNInItem's for the two different items -->
<!-- In the below two ASNInPO's po_nbr is same container_id under ASNInCtn is different and item_id under
ASNInItem is different. In this case two ASNInPO's has to be merged into one tag with
two different ASNInCtn's each having their own ASNInItem -->
Output XML
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<!-- Scenerio-1 -->
<!-- Scenerio-2 -->
<!-- Scenerio-3 -->
I have tried with my own xsl, but couldn't handle all the scenerios. Please help me in solving this. Thanks in Advance.