For some reason my implementation of django-dynamic-formset is acting a little funny.
It is creating two add/remove links for each dynamic formset in my template.
I have been fiddling around trying to figure this out for a bit and its gotten the best of me.
here is a screen shot of the error i am talking about
i can also provide a login if you would like to trigger the error on your own here is my template:
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ STATIC_URL }}jquery.formset.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$('#ingredients tbody tr').formset({
prefix: '{{ ingredients_formset.prefix }}',
formCssClass: 'dynamic-ingredients'
$('#steps tbody tr').formset({
prefix: '{{ steps_formset.prefix }}',
formCssClass: 'dynamic-steps'
<form action="{% url cookbook.views.createrecipe %}" method="POST" id="ingredients">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="text" cols="40" rows="10" />
<form action="{% url cookbook.views.createrecipe %}" method="POST" id="steps">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="text" cols="40" rows="10" />
here is the
class RecipeForm(forms.ModelForm):
reset_recipe = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required = False)
class Meta:
model = Recipe
widgets = {'original_cookbook':forms.HiddenInput(),
fields =("name", "picture","ingredients","steps","prep_time","type",'reset_recipe')
class CookbookForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Cookbook
class StepsForm(forms.Form):
Step = forms.CharField()
StepsFormSet = formset_factory(RecipeForm, StepsForm, can_order=True, can_delete=True, extra = 0)
class IngredientsForm(forms.Form):
Ingredient = forms.CharField()
IngredientsFormSet = formset_factory(RecipeForm, IngredientsForm, can_order=True, can_delete=True, extra = 0)
and the view:
def createrecipe(request):
RecipeForm = RecipeForm(request.POST)
IngredientsFormSet = formset_factory(IngredientsForm)
StepsFormSet = formset_factory(StepsForm)
if request.method == 'POST':
form = RecipeForm(request.POST)
ingredients_formset = IngredientsFormSet(request.POST, request.FILES, prefix='ifs')
steps_formset = StepsFormSet(request.POST, request.FILES, prefix='sfs')
if form.is_valid() and ingredients_formset.is_valid() and steps_formset.is_valid():
print "form is valid"
new_recipe =
new_recipe.original_cookbook = request.user.cookbooks.all()[0] = request.user.cookbooks.all()[0].name
new_recipe.steps = steps_formset
new_recipe.ingredients = ingredients_formset
cookbooks = request.user.cookbooks.all()
cookbook = cookbooks[0]
t = loader.get_template('cookbook/create_form.html')
c = RequestContext(request, {
'form': new_recipe,
data = {
'replace': True,
'form': t.render(c),
'success': True,
json = simplejson.dumps(data)
return HttpResponse(json, mimetype='text/plain')
print "form is invalid"
form = RecipeForm(request.POST)
ingredients_formset = IngredientsFormSet(request.POST, request.FILES, prefix='ifs')
steps_formset = StepsFormSet(request.POST, request.FILES, prefix='sfs')
t = loader.get_template('cookbook/create_form.html')
c = RequestContext(request, {
data ={
'form': t.render(c),
'success': False,
json = simplejson.dumps(data)
return HttpResponse(json, mimetype='text/plain')