How to find devices via Wi-fi peer 2 peer, that ha

2019-06-11 13:10发布


I am quite new in the Android development. I have an app that tries to connect to other devices running android via Wi-Fi peer 2 peer. What I want to do is to see only the devices that have the same app installed rather than see all the available peers. Thanks in advance.


Yeah you can do this!! :)

Try using the Wifi P2p for Service Discovery. Actually, the link is a training which teaches exactly what you want.

So, what you basically want to do is create a WifiP2pDnsSdServiceInfo object that contains the information you want to advertise or the information that your app broadcasts and then, addLocalService which advertises/broadcasts this object.

You also need to discover nearby services which are broadcasting some information. To get the service information, create a WifiP2pManager.DnsSdServiceResponseListener. This receives the actual description and connection information. Here, you can read the information and if it is the information your app broadcasts, then Hooray you found a nearby device that has your particular application.

Tip: You can broadcast some application specific code like "This_is_my_App" and then some device specific information lets say Wifi MAC Address/DeviceName which helps you differentiate between different devices which you can populate in a List and display.