MomentJs get “time until” with two variables

2019-06-11 13:16发布


I am trying to get moment.js to show me time until a specific date. I have that done doing this:

let date = 2017-03-27T12:00:00;

This shows: "in 10 days".

I'd really like this to show "in 10 days and 2 hours" or the two highest values. For example, 1 year and 5 months, 4 minutes and 30 seconds.

Is there a simple way to do this? I am currently working on a complicated method to handle this...

let years = moment(date).local().diff(moment(), 'years');
let months = (moment(date).local().diff(moment(), 'months'));
let days = (moment(date).local().diff(moment(), 'days'));
let hours = (moment(date).local().diff(moment(), 'hours'));
let minutes = (moment(date).local().diff(moment(), 'minutes'));
let seconds = (moment(date).local().diff(moment(), 'seconds'));

//The above values return total number each, 
//For example, this could show 1 year, 14 months, 435 days, etc.
//The math below is supposed to make this say
//1 year, 2 months, 14 days, etc.

let yearsRemain = years;
let monthsRemain = months - (years *12);
let daysRemain = days - (Math.floor(months * 30));
let hoursRemain = hours - (days * 24);
let minutesRemain = minutes - (hours * 60);
let secondsRemain = seconds - (minutes * 60);

var dateArray = [



returns [1, 1, 3, 23, 16, 46] for example


the problem with this is when it comes to days. Since days in a year and days in a month vary, I was hoping moment.js would help me out. Is there a better way of doing this?

Eventually, I will be able to iterate through the array and find the two largest values to display how I'd like.


You can use moment.duration to calculate the dateArray value. Duration has years(), months(), days(), hours(), minutes(), seconds() getters.

Here a live example:

let date = '2017-03-27T12:00:00';
var dur = moment.duration( moment(date).diff(moment()) );

let yearsRemain = dur.years();
let monthsRemain = dur.months();
let daysRemain = dur.days();
let hoursRemain = dur.hours();
let minutesRemain = dur.minutes();
let secondsRemain = dur.seconds();

var dateArray = [

<script src="//"></script>

You can use moment-duration-format plug-in to show duration in a custom format. The plugin has a template option that lets you customize the format.

let date = '2017-03-27T12:00:00';
let dur = moment.duration( moment(date).diff(moment()) );
console.log( dur.format() );
console.log( dur.format('M [months and] d [days]') );
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Note that moments has relativeTime, relativeTimeRounding and relativeTimeThreshold that lets you customize how moment shows relative time (so you can change to output).