float value = Float.parseFloat((String)model.getValueAt(e.getLastRow(), 1));
DecimalFormat dec = new DecimalFormat("#.###");
model.setValueAt(dec.format(value), e.getLastRow(), 1);
at the third line i'm getting the stackOverflowError exception. What I'm intending to do is getting a JTable cell value from an Object, converting it to a float, limiting it to 3 decimal places, and finally convert to String and set the value with 3 decimal places at the cell.
I guess the problem is I'm changing the value, and entering the function again and again. So the StackOverflow is due to that. Question is, how can i fix this?
Complete function at: Java: Converting data types (Sorry for posting twice... It was a different question, and the solution drove me to a different problem)