I am using the ITPP library (IT++ library) for one of my projects. For using the eigen_sym() function of this library, it asks for installing the LAPACK. I tried the direct prebuilt libraries for Windows but still get the error. Finally on the following site:
I found a solution under "Build Instructions to create LAPACK and LAPACKE 3.5.0 dlls for Windows with MinGW" that might work. I did steps 1 to 5 but got stuck 6 onwards.
My destination of the cmake build is E:/LAPACK
I got an error while in the cmd prompt while entering:
cd E:/LAPACK 3.5.0 >Enter
C:/MinGW/bin/mingw32-make.exe >Enter
i'm getting
mingw32-make.exe> No targets specified and no make file found. Stop.
Can someone explain the step 6 onwards in detail and tell me where i'm going wrong?
I finally want to get the .dll
and .lib
I was able to build LAPACK 3.5 for windows using mingw and pretty much the build guide from the LAPACK page. Using the following steps
- Download lapack.tgz from here http://netlib.org/lapack/lapack.tgz
- Extract to a folder. I used 7zip file manager to extract the tarball to x:/Other/test
- Install mingw32. I used this: http://www.mingw.org/download/installer and I selected and installed mingw32-developer-toolkit + mingw32-base + mingw32-gfortran + mingw32-gcc-g++ + msys-base
- Open a command prompt
Append mingw to your path
- change directory to the location you extracted lapack: For me this was X:\Other\Test\lapack-3.5.0 so the command I typed was the following (your path will be different):
X:>cd Other\Test\lapack-3.5.0
- make a folder for your build. I used build
X:\Other\Test\lapack-3.5.0>mkdir build
- then change directory to the build folder
X:\Other\Test\lapack-3.5.0>cd build
- Now configure with CMake
X:\Other\Test\lapack-3.5.0\build>cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -D CMAKE_GNUtoMS=ON ..
- Now use gnu make to build LAPACK
Note: This step will take several minutes.
After the above steps completed 100% with no errors, I have the following dlls in the build\bin folder: libblas.dll, liblapack.dll, libtmglib.dll
Also the following libraries, and exp files in the build\lib folder: libblas.exp, libblas.lib, liblapack.exp, liblapack.lib, libtmglib.exp and libtmglib.lib.