I have the following dataset
(obtained here):
----------item survivalpoints weight
1 pocketknife 10 1
2 beans 20 5
3 potatoes 15 10
4 unions 2 1
5 sleeping bag 30 7
6 rope 10 5
7 compass 30 1
I can cluster this dataset into three clusters with kmeans()
using a binary string as my initial choice of centers. For eg:
## 1 represents the initial centers
chromosome = c(1,1,1,0,0,0,0)
## exclude first column (kmeans only support continous data)
cl <- kmeans(dataset[, -1], dataset[chromosome == 1, -1])
## check the memberships
# [1] 1 3 3 1 2 1 2
Using this fundamental concept, I tried it out with GA
package to conduct the search where I am trying to optimize(minimize) Davies-Bouldin (DB) Index.
library(GA) ## for ga() function
library(clusterSim) ## for index.DB() function
## defining my fitness function (Davies-Bouldin)
DBI <- function(x) {
## converting matrix to vector to access each row
binary_rep <- split(x, row(x))
## evaluate the fitness of each chromsome
for(each in 1:nrow(x){
cl <- kmeans(dataset, dataset[binary_rep[[each]] == 1, -1])
dbi <- index.DB(dataset, cl$cluster, centrotypes = "centroids")
## minimizing db
g<- ga(type = "binary", fitness = DBI, popSize = 100, nBits = nrow(dataset))
Of course (I have no idea what's happening), I received error message of
Warning messages:
Error in row(x) : a matrix-like object is required as argument to 'row'
Here are my questions:
- How can correctly use the
package to solve my problem? - How can I make sure the randomly generated chromosomes contains the same number of
s which corresponds tok
number of clusters (eg. ifk=3
then the chromosome must contain exactly three1