I am trying to create a divIcon to use with leaflet maps. I can create a marker with a blank circle using an SVG image code, but I would like to add an image inside the circle. Is this possible? I have tried background images etc but nothing works.
The code is
var iconSettings = {
mapIconUrl: '<svg version="1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 149 178"><path fill="{mapIconColor}" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="6" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M126 23l-6-6A69 69 0 0 0 74 1a69 69 0 0 0-51 22A70 70 0 0 0 1 74c0 21 7 38 22 52l43 47c6 6 11 6 16 0l48-51c12-13 18-29 18-48 0-20-8-37-22-51z"/><circle fill="{mapIconColorInnerCircle}" cx="74" cy="75" r="61"/><circle fill="#FFF" cx="74" cy="75" r="{pinInnerCircleRadius}"/></svg>',
mapIconColor: '#cc756b',
mapIconColorInnerCircle: '#fff',
// icon normal state
var divIcon = L.divIcon({
className: "leaflet-data-marker",
html: L.Util.template(iconSettings.mapIconUrl, iconSettings), //.replace('#','%23'),
iconAnchor : [12, 32],
iconSize : [50, 60],
popupAnchor : [0, -28]