I'm working on a way of programatically accessing a Lotus Notes database to gather information on embedded attachments of records over a given period.
My goal is to find records over a given period, then use Apache-POI to get metadata about document size, character count, etc.
The POI part works fine, and so far, I've been able to access the Lotus Notes records thanks to this help:
lotus notes search by date with Java api
and this answer also shows me how to download/copy the attachments:
How do I get all the attachments from a .nsf(lotus notes) file using java
from there I could use my POI code do my job and at the end, just delete the copied attachments. This approach, basically works, but I want to avoid the overhead of copying, saving and then at the end deleting my copy of these attached documents from the database.
I tried passing the result of the EmbeddedObject getSource() method as an input to my POI code and got a FileNotFoundException in the POI code that was expecting a String to make a File.
Is there a way of getting a File reference I can pass to POI, without copying and saving the attachment? Or, what I mean is, is it as simple as getting a File (+path) for the Lotus Notes EmbeddedObject attachment, and how do I do this?
I found the answer and posted it below.