I would like to be able to dynamically get the value of an overriden property at runtime using reflection. For example,
class A {
public virtual int Foo => 5;
//This implementation doesn't work
public int ParentFoo => (int)this.GetType().BaseType.GetProperty(nameof(Foo)).GetValue(this);
class B : A {
public override int Foo => 7;
var test = new B();
Console.WriteLine(test.Foo); //"7"
Console.WriteLine(test.ParentFoo); //Should display "5"
The point of doing this is that the type hierarchy is fairly deep and I don't want extenders to have to re-implement ParentFoo
each time with the exact same logic (public int ParentFoo => base.Foo;
). I don't mind paying the performance cost for reflection- this property doesn't need to be performant.
Is it possible to accomplish what I need here using reflection?
It is possible to always call the original defining class's method for the property using reflection. This is a bad idea. The following code illustrates the concept but isn't battle worthy, and shouldn't be made battle worthy.
void Main()
var a = new A();
Console.WriteLine(GetNoVCall<A, int>(a, z => z.Foo)); // prints 5
var b = new B();
Console.WriteLine(GetNoVCall<A, int>(b, z => z.Foo)); // prints 5
Console.WriteLine(GetNoVCall<B, int>(b, z => z.Foo)); // prints 5
class A
public virtual int Foo { get { return 5; } }
class B : A
public override int Foo { get { return 7; } }
public static TProp GetNoVCall<TClass, TProp>(TClass c, Expression<Func<TClass, TProp>> f)
var expr = f.Body as MemberExpression;
var prop = expr.Member as PropertyInfo;
var meth = prop.GetGetMethod(true);
var src = expr.Expression as ParameterExpression;
if (src == null || prop == null || expr == null)
throw new Exception();
var dyn = new DynamicMethod("GetNoVCallHelper", typeof(TProp), new Type[]{ typeof(TClass) }, typeof(string).Module, true);
var il = dyn.GetILGenerator();
il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, meth);
return ((Func<TClass, TProp>)dyn.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<TClass, TProp>)))(c);