There is code that I use to pass new data to Database (firebird):
FbConnection fbCon = new FbConnection(csb.ToString());
FbDataAdapter fbDAdapter = new FbDataAdapter("SELECT ID,name,score FROM players",fbCon);
FbCommandBuilder Cmd = new FbCommandBuilder(fbDAdapter);
DataSet DSet = new DataSet();
DataRow rw = DSet.Tables[0].NewRow();
rw["ID"] = zID + 1;
rw["name"] = var;
rw["score"] = score;
Maybe you can suggest better algorithm, or this is pretty good?
This way is OK, you are using a command builder that do a lot of work for, you can simply translate the above code into an insert command to execute directly on the database table :
FbConnection fbCon = new FbConnection(csb.ToString());
FbCommand fbCom = new FbCommand("INSERT INTO players(ID,name,score) VALUES (@id,@name,@score)", fbCon);
fbCom.Parameters.AddWithValue("id", zID + 1);
fbCom.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", var);
fbCom.Parameters.AddWithValue("score", score);
In this way you avoid the command builder and loading the data into the Datatable, should be quite faster ...
This is lighter for database:
FbConnectionStringBuilder csb = new FbConnectionStringBuilder( );
csb.ServerType = FbServerType.Default;
csb.Database = Settings.Default.LastBDPath;
csb.Password = Settings.Default.LastBDPassword; // "masterkey";
csb.UserID = Settings.Default.LastBDUser; // "SYSDBA";
connection = new FbConnection( csb.ToString( ) );
connection.Open( );
string scriptLine = string.Format("INSERT INTO TABLE (Id, Name, Score) values ({0}, '{1}', {2}", zId+1, var, score) ;
FBCommand command = new FbCommand( scriptline, connection );
command.ExecuteNonQuery( );
For a select:
string sql = string.Format("select * from table where name='{0}';", your_name);
FbCommand command = new FbCommand( sql ), connection );
FbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader( );
while ( reader.Read( ) )
for ( int i=0; i<reader.FieldCount; i++ )
objects[i].Add( reader.GetValue( i ) );