{It has been asked before: Emacs: highlight matching paren when cursor is on it, not after it but none of the answers are satisfactory}
I am using mic-paren with following .emacs settings (although the problem exists with all similar emacs packages, so it seems to be some kind of default emacs behavior)
(setq paren-match-face 'highlight)
(setq paren-sexp-mode t)
which highlight the all the text between two parenthesis. It works well when the cursor is ON opening parenthesis but from the other side, I have to put my cursor AFTER the closing parenthesis. This results in strange behavior when used with slime (which requires the cursor to be put ON the closing parenthesis to display general usage information and such). Is there any way to change this behavior and make emacs match parenthesis when the cursor is ON closing parenthesis?
EDIT: Minor grammar fix