In the following example html5 page structure, which of the following is more semantic in respect to the sidebar of widgets (elements which appear in the sidebar are elements which appear on multiple pages and do not necessarily, directly, nor particularly relate to this page of content):
<header id="site-header">
<section id="page-body">
<aside class="sidebar" id="sidebar-a">
<section id="search-widget"> field, etc...
<section id="recent-articles-widget">
...articles list...
<aside class="sidebar" id="sidebar-b">
<section id="cloud-tag-widget"> field, etc...
<section id="recent-articles-widget">
...articles list...
<footer id="site-footer"> ... </footer>
<header id="site-header">
<section id="page-body">
<section class="sidebar" id="sidebar-a">
<aside id="search-widget"> field, etc...
<aside id="recent-articles-widget">
...articles list...
<section class="sidebar" id="sidebar-b">
<aside id="cloud-tag-widget">
...tag list...
<aside id="popular-articles-widget">
...articles list...
<footer id="site-footer"> ... </footer>
AKA - Is it more semantic or in any way more appropriate to put multiple asides within a section, or include multiple sections within an aside to create a sidebar of widgets? Should they instead be simple divs within a div? Or divs within a section? Divs within an aside? Why? Which is easier for screen readers or search engines? Why?