I have a problem to understanding the locust result as this is the first time load test my server, I ran locust using command line on 00:00 local time with; 1000 total user , 100 hatch per second and 10000 request. Below are the result
Name # reqs # fails Avg Min Max | Median req/s
GET /api/v0/business/result/22918 452 203(30.99%) 9980 2830 49809 | 6500 1.70
GET /api/v0/business/result/36150 463 229(33.09%) 10636 2898 86221 | 7000 1.50
GET /api/v0/business/result/55327 482 190(28.27%) 10401 3007 48228 | 7000 1.60
GET /api/v0/business/result/69274 502 203(28.79%) 9882 2903 48435 | 6800 1.50
GET /api/v0/business/result/71704 469 191(28.94%) 10714 2748 62271 | 6900 1.70
POST /api/v0/business/query 2268 974(30.04%) 10528 2938 55204 | 7100 7.10
GET /api/v0/suggestions/query/?q=na 2361 1013(30.02%) 10775 2713 63359 | 6800 7.80
Total 6997 3003(42.92%) 22.90
Percentage of the requests completed within given times
Name # reqs 50% 66% 75% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 100%
GET /api/v0/business/result/22918 452 6500 8300 11000 13000 20000 35000 37000 38000 49809
GET /api/v0/business/result/36150 463 7000 9400 12000 14000 21000 35000 37000 38000 86221
GET /api/v0/business/result/55327 482 7000 9800 12000 13000 21000 34000 38000 39000 48228
GET /api/v0/business/result/69274 502 6800 9000 11000 12000 20000 35000 37000 38000 48435
GET /api/v0/business/result/71704 469 6900 9500 11000 13000 21000 36000 38000 40000 62271
POST /api/v0/business/query 2268 7100 9600 12000 13000 21000 35000 37000 38000 55204
GET /api/v0/suggestions/query/?q=na 2361 6800 9900 12000 14000 22000 35000 37000 39000 63359
Error report
# occurences Error
80 GET /api/v0/business/result/71704: "HTTPError('502 Server Error: Bad Gateway',)"
111 GET /api/v0/business/result/71704: "HTTPError('504 Server Error: Gateway Time-out',)"
134 GET /api/v0/business/result/22918: "HTTPError('504 Server Error: Gateway Time-out',)"
69 GET /api/v0/business/result/22918: "HTTPError('502 Server Error: Bad Gateway',)"
92 GET /api/v0/business/result/69274: "HTTPError('502 Server Error: Bad Gateway',)"
594 GET /api/v0/suggestions/query/?q=na: "HTTPError('504 Server Error: Gateway Time-out',)"
111 GET /api/v0/business/result/69274: "HTTPError('504 Server Error: Gateway Time-out',)"
419 GET /api/v0/suggestions/query/?q=na: "HTTPError('502 Server Error: Bad Gateway',)"
69 GET /api/v0/business/result/55327: "HTTPError('502 Server Error: Bad Gateway',)"
121 GET /api/v0/business/result/55327: "HTTPError('504 Server Error: Gateway Time-out',)"
397 POST /api/v0/business/query: "HTTPError('502 Server Error: Bad Gateway',)"
145 GET /api/v0/business/result/36150: "HTTPError('504 Server Error: Gateway Time-out',)"
577 POST /api/v0/business/query: "HTTPError('504 Server Error: Gateway Time-out',)"
84 GET /api/v0/business/result/36150: "HTTPError('502 Server Error: Bad Gateway',)"
here is that I confused about :
- what is the meaning of the numbers below #reqs, #fails, Avg, and all number after the name on first and second table? is it to show the total request has been sent or the n-th request sent ?
- at the Error Report below # occurences, does total number represent number of request that cause the error ?
thanks for your answer