I would like to extract a pixel's rgb value in every frame that is decoded using ffmpeg. I looked into ffplay source code
I tried the above three methods to hook on to the frame but I do not understand how to get a pixel's rgb value. Could anyone kindly give some pointer into this
Thats the source and this is the conversion source I used and it works as expected. Hope this helps someone
ColorRGB GetRGBPixel(const AVFrame& frame, int x, int y)
// Y component
const unsigned char y = frame.data[0][frame.linesize[0]*y + x];
// U, V components
x /= 2;
y /= 2;
const unsigned char u = frame.data[1][frame.linesize[1]*y + x];
const unsigned char v = frame.data[2][frame.linesize[2]*y + x];
// RGB conversion
const unsigned char r = y + 1.402*(v-128);
const unsigned char g = y - 0.344*(u-128) - 0.714*(v-128);
const unsigned char b = y + 1.772*(u-128);
return ColorRGB(r, g, b);