I am trying to search using the IMAP search function to only return users that have sent emails from a specific domain. I am hoping this is actually possible.
For example let's say I want to only fetch emails from users sending from addresses coming from @stackoverflow.com.
We connect, login etcetera then search as below.
c = imaplib.IMAP4(imapserver)
c.login(username, password)
c.search(None, 'UNSEEN FROM "@stackoverflow.com"')
However this returns no results. When I search for the user by part of their name e.g.
c.search(None, 'UNSEEN FROM "John"')
it works even if the part is nothing like their username e.g. j.smith@stackoverflow.com.
As I only want to fetch those that are to be automatically handled from these specific domains and leave the rest unread I am hoping there is something else I can do.