I am writing a simple application with cakePHP 2.x. I need to allow user to uplaod and download files. The Upload works fine, but the i'm stuck with the download action.
I have a Controller name Documents, containing the Download action:
public function download($id = null) {
$this->Document->recursive = -1;
$doc = $this->Document->find('first', array('conditions' => array('Document.id' => $id)));
$filename = $doc['Document']['file_file_name'];
$resp = new CakeResponse();
Yes I didn't check if the file exists, etc... but it's just for testing. So the path in the download method is something like: /home/www-app/upload/$id_$filename
Of course, the file exists and both paths are equal.
But I got the following error from chrome:
Erreur 6 (net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) : File or Directory not found
I tried the $resp->file() method but cakePHP seems to not know that method.