

2019-06-10 07:24发布


I have an envelope, that if created with status=sent works fine (I can call the signing interface and it gets emailed to the recipients defined in the envelope). The exact same envelope XML, with status=created, no other difference, will fail when I attempt to change the status with:

public string SendEnvelope(string envelopeID)
    string url = baseURL + "/envelopes/" + envelopeID;
    string requestBody =
    "<envelope>" +
    "<status>sent</status>" +
    HttpWebRequest request = initializeRequest(url, "PUT", requestBody, email, password);
    string response = getResponseBody(request); <---ERROR OCCURS HERE
    return response;

I receive: INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_FOR_RECIPIENTThe email address for the recipient is invalid. The recipient Id follows.

Is it not possible to set the envelope status to "sent" at any time after envelope creation ?


It turns out, if you have a template role assigned of "carbon copy", and you don't provide any email addresses for that role, then it produces the invalid email address error.

标签: docusignapi