I have a big CMake solution which contain 5 projects. On this 1 project creates Main executable and rest of the 4(3 static + 1 dynamic) projects creates libraries which are linked to the main project.
The entire project is to be build for both windows and linux platforms. Now I need to create an Sub directory under MainSolution and create some testcase projects which uses the DynamicLib_1
(.lib/.so). So far what I have done is I will have different solution for each test cases and copy the required .h files and .lib(.so) files and build the test case solutions.
Its very hard for me to maintain the source code and whenever there is an change on the dynamic library I need to copy all the necessary files and rebuild the test cases again. So I wanted to include the Test cases solutions inside my main project, so that whenever I change dynamic library project it builds the test case projects as well.
I very well know to add those test case solutions as projects under the MainSolution
but I wanted to create sub-directory and put all the test case projects under that folder.
Can someone help me on this