I am trying to execute the following code in Python 2.6.5. What I want to do is show a main window with an 'Applications' menu. I want the menu to have a series of commands which should correspond to the keys of the Apps dictionary. When I click the command, I would like the default web browser to open and navigate to the url in the Apps dictionary for that particular key. Instead, when I execute the code the browser is opening to the first url in the Apps dictionary without any clicking. Help please!
from Tkinter import *
import webbrowser
#Real links are to pages on Intranet.
def openApp(appURL):
webbrowser.open(appURL, new=1, autoraise=1)
return None
for app in Apps:
appsMenu.add_command(label=app, command=openApp(Apps[app]))
menubar.add_cascade(label='Apps', menu=appsMenu)