I'm having troubles to make my program work correctly - here I explain :
- I have, on one hand a C# WinForms app which launches an instance of IE by using the "Navigate" method :
myWebBrowser.Navigate(myUrl, "_blank", intarray, "");
, withintarray
defined like this :byte[] intarray = BitConverter.GetBytes(id);
. On this side, it works. On the other side, I have an ASP .NET WebForms application which has to retrieve this
. I've tried this.if (HttpContext.Current != null) { if (Session["Authenticated"] == null) { var current = HttpContext.Current; byte[] postdata = getpostdata(current); } } private byte[] getpostdata(HttpContext CurrentContext) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); CurrentContext.Request.InputStream.CopyTo(ms); byte[] postdata = ms.ToArray(); return postdata; } // Convert a byte array to an Object public int ByteArrayToInt(byte[] arrBytes) { if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) Array.Reverse(arrBytes); int i = BitConverter.ToInt32(arrBytes, 0); return i; }
The problem seems to be in retrieving the Data in the getpostdata(HttpContext)
function... I get a byte array with length = 0 instead of the one which is sent with length = 4...
Does anyone know how to make it work ?