Solr: Adding cores using a configSet in a SolrClou

2019-06-10 02:32发布


I have a SolrCloud (v5.2) setup with 2 different cores [users, docs] working properly.

Now I need to be able to dynamically add new cores that are configuration-wise identical to the docs core that already exists. I don't want to duplicate the configuration (I tried an it works OK) as I need to actually share the synonyms.txt and some other files that constantly change.

I think that I need "configsets" but I cannot get them to work. I uploaded the "template" conf using this command:

sh -zkhost zk1:2181 -cmd upconfig -confname template -confdir /home/user1/template/conf

And then I tried to create a new core using the template configset like this:


But I get this error:

Error CREATEing SolrCore 'test1': Unable to create core [test1] Caused by: Could not find configName for collection test1 found:[users, docs, template, .system]

I think that I have some missing knowledge on how configsets work.


the default path to directory with configset is $SOLR_HOME/configsets ie in my example is /opt/solr/solr-5.4.0/server/solr/configsets. This path can be configured in solr.xml.

So, if you use the default path for configset then this

sh -zkhost zk1:2181 -cmd upconfig -confname template -confdir /home/user1/template/conf

should be replaced with

sh -zkhost zk1:2181 -cmd upconfig -confname template -confdir /home/user1/......../../../configsets

just replace this path /home/user1/......../../../configsets with your correct path for the configsets

Hope this helps


You can share a configuration for a Core and just create a new Collection. Any changes to the configuration will affect all Collections.

Use this call to create the new Collection:
