In xcode 4.2 what's the way to create a new simple project? There isn't the choice to start a new based view controller application? Can someone explain me the new ways?
To my understanding, here is the translation: Xcode 4.2 / Xcode 3
A Page-Based App is what was called a Navigation-Based App
A Single View App is what was called a View-Based App
A Tabbed App is obviously what was called a Tab Bar App
An Empty App is what was called a Window-Based App.
Be careful that the MainWindow.xib is no longer created as you start a new project with the Empty App or Single View app template. For more details, you should take a look at this question:
Is a MainWindow.xib truly needed in iOS application?
This Apple tutorial creates an iOS project which has a single view. It's created using:
iOS > Application > Single View Application